I regret not being in your life after high school. "
"I regret that i can't tell you, mom how much i love you and how much you mean to me & i really want to be best friends with you."
"I regret living a lie for almost a year, even though I know I would be happier without you, I stick around for the kids sake and fear of the unknown. "
"I regret that I miss you, and smile when I get the chance to see you."
"i regret trying to be with you even after i knew you didn't want me anymore."
.. and if that isn't enough to say, there are too many of these posts, one after the other, all wishing for the same thing. Love. Care. Concern. Something to live for, something to find bliss in. When will we ever stop depending on others to carry us through? Are we really so incapable of being disconnected from this flawed, hurtful web of connections and feelings?
I ask so, not because I wish to reprimand anyone of their inability to distinguish independence from their concept of interdependence.
I ask so, because I suffer from the same disease, and all too much.
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